SCHRA’S Syringe Service Program (SSP) is an anonymous service offering unused sterile syringes and injection equipment at no cost for individuals who inject substances. No photo ID is required. SSP is a harm reduction service implemented to reduce the spread of HIV, HCV and other infections.

Hours of Operation:

Thursdays 2:00pm – 5:00pm

Services Offered:

Free and confidential HIV and STI testing services by Vivent Health 1st and 3rd Thursdays 


Facilitation of safe disposal 

Education about overdose prevention and safer injection practices

Naloxone distribution and education


Equipment Provided:

Syringes (various sizes available) 

Sharps Containers 




Sterile Water 

First Aid Supplies 

Safer Snorting and Smoking Kits*

Overdose prevention equipment including Narcan, Kloxxado, Injectable Naloxone, Fentanyl Testing Strips, Xylazine Testing Strips

Hygiene Items 

Snacks and water

*These items are based on availability

Participants of a Colorado Syringe Service Program are protected by state law and are exempt from paraphernalia tickets for syringes and injection equipment distributed by SCHRA. Participants will receive an anonymous participation card that reflects participation in the program.