What is Wellness?

Wellness is a holistic approach to health that encompasses physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It is the practice of making choices and taking actions that contribute to a fulfilling, balanced, and healthy life. Wellness is not just the absence of illness, but a proactive process of becoming aware of and making conscious choices toward a more successful existence.

In the journey of recovery, wellness plays a crucial role. Recovery is not solely about abstaining from harmful substances or behaviors; it’s about creating a life that feels worth living. 

Here’s why wellness is essential for everyday life and recovery

At Southern Colorado Harm Reduction, we are dedicated to supporting your wellness journey through a range of services designed to address these dimensions:

AcuDetox: Our AcuDetox service offers ear acupuncture to help reduce cravings, alleviate withdrawal symptoms, and promote relaxation. This holistic therapy supports your physical and mental well-being, aiding in the recovery process.

LEAF (Life Empowerment and Achievement Foundation): Formerly known as Life Skills, LEAF provides practical life skills training to help you navigate daily challenges and achieve long-term success. Workshops on financial literacy, communication skills, and job readiness empower you to build a brighter future.

Yoga in Facility: Our Yoga in Facility program provides guided yoga sessions to promote physical well-being, mental clarity, and emotional balance. Whether you’re new to yoga or an experienced practitioner, our classes support your recovery journey by fostering a mind-body connection.